Finalist, Slimmer of the Year 2018 Australia
Weight Loss: 71.1 kg Consultant: Catherine Hughes
I am a primary music teacher in Brisbane.
At my biggest, I was literally and figuratively weighed down and I had given up hope.
I had tried many other weight loss plans and even the lemon and soup diet. Some diets had more success than others, but I never managed to keep the weight off. After getting married, I quickly piled on 10-15kgs. I was in denial and stuck in a horrible, endless cycle of binge eating. I had no hope, no confidence and no self-love. I was quickly approaching my 30th birthday when a student came up to me and called me “Mrs. Fat”. This forced me to face the fact that I desperately needed to do something. Thankfully, when I was visiting a friend, she told me all about Cambridge Weight Plan.
The significant difference with Cambridge to other diets I have tried, is my Consultant. Catherine had previously completed the plan, so she understands what it takes. Having weekly weigh ins kept me accountable and motivated. Catherine offered support and encouragement when I needed. The extensive range of delicious products are great for on the go. After hitting my goal weight and moving into Stabilisation, I have been able to learn new eating habits and I know that I have the skills I need to stay healthy for the rest of my life. Thankfully, I did not have any serious health issues when I was overweight. But I knew that I was heading in that direction. Now, I rarely need any medication for my asthma. I no longer suffer from painful chaffing between my legs during summer.
Sleeping in general was becoming quite uncomfortable the bigger I got. When lying down, I felt like my chest was suffocating me. It also caused me to snore severely. I no longer snore, and I sleep a million times better.
I honestly do not know what would have happened if I did not discover Cambridge Weight Plan when I did. I have come to realise that who I am now, is who I was always meant to be. I also realised that I had to go through this journey, to grow as a person. It has been an empowering, challenging, and uplifting journey.